What drives a tourist or passer-by to enter a church? What do he/she expects to find there? The reasons can be many, but deep down we can find a common answer; the desire to meet "something else".
However, in the midst of so many decorations and paintings, it is not so easy to understand the meaning and messages of these works. So here we are! We are young lovers of God and beauty, ready to welcome you and give voice to that "invisible in the visible" that art reveals. But do not call us guides, we are Living Stones: small Ignatian communities, scattered throughout the world, who have the desire to tell their experience of faith, announcing the beauty of the Gospel to anyone who looks at the beauty of our churches.
For us Pietre Vive art in places of worship can be - and is - a prayer delivered to the gaze, and through its contemplation we can enter into the artist’s prayer and the history that it tells. A spiritual communion takes place through the centuries, and it still touches people, tourists, the passer-by who finds themselves as pilgrims in a space that reveals to them its own interiority, its own identity and its own vocation. Through welcome, explanations, prayer or simply by giving a smile to those who enter, we want to experience the sacred Christian space as a place of encounter with the others and God, and make visible that: we are the Church! Because we are employed too as "living stones", for the construction of a spiritual building around the "living stone" which is Christ (cf. 1pt 2:4-5).
Our community in Turin meets twice a month in the Real Church of San Lorenzo to experience moments of sharing, formation, study together, prayer … Once a month we offer free tours; through an artistic-spiritual accompaniment of the church.
To know when you can find us, we invite you to look on our social media or write to us directly!
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