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Mappa della Real Chiesa

The chapel of souls of Purgatury

On the frontal of the altar the Souls of the Purgatory are represented (bellow), Mary (a small female figure), Saint Ann (big) figure and God the Father with His arms open, in an act of welcome (above). Work accomplished in 1815 by the painterstrong>Pietro Ayres from Savigliano, which replaced the original and more precious work by Peruzzi, given by the king Carlo Alberto and it can be seen in the Royal church of Saint Christina ( S. Carlo Square).

Above, on the sides of the big external arch, two angels: on the left the first one holds a torch/chalice; on the right the other one sorrowful holds a skull.

The side niches have got two statues: on the left the statue of S. Peter with the keys in his hand to open the doors of Paradise; on the right the statue of S. Charles Borromeo, bishop of Milan who came on foot (1576) to venerate the Holy Shroud, in thanksgiving at the end of the pest of Milan (1576).